Paulette's Blog

0 posts tagged with "social media"

Messaging Minute

February 21, 2017

For my inaugural post in this blog, which is dedicated to effective branding and impactful communications, I thought I would take a look at LinkedIn and its utility as a professional and personal branding platform. 

LinkedIn, like so many platforms that fall under the social media category, has become a robust resource for its more than 467 million users worldwide. Employers, recruiters, job seekers and the business community at large indeed turn to it to find workforce talent, but have come...

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Public Relations vs. Marketing: Are They the Same Thing?

March 21, 2017

I frequently encounter misconceptions about marketing and public relations, and what they actually accomplish vis-a-vis a company’s strategic objectives. The most notable of these is the belief that public relations and marketing are the same thing. These are actually two distinct functions within a company, whether a large global organization with thousands of employees, or a small business with just a handful.


While both marketing and PR must be integrated into a company’s overall brand...

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Beware of a Branding Eclipse

August 24, 2017

All the buzz around the solar eclipse on Aug. 21 got me thinking about how and when clients can mistakenly 'eclipse' their own brand.

I recently did some copywriting for a real estate client. as part of an effort to promote several ‘hot properties’ that had just come on to the competitive Manhattan real estate market. This wasn’t the first time I wrote several descriptions for both online listings and an imminent set of Open Houses; I recently helped the client relaunch their website and...

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